Husqvarna TS 217T garden tractor combines a convenient ride with efficient cutting and a powerful engine to maintain larger lawns easily. Easy-to-reach controls and levers, quickly adjusted seat contribute to high comfort and good ergonomics. Small equipment and hand tools can be stored in practical storage compartments to be easily accessible when needed. The 108 cm cutting deck offers excellent cutting performance and with a wide range of cutting heights, adjustments can be made to suit different needs and grass conditions. The adjustment is spring assisted to reduce strain for operator. Engine features like auto choke, oil filter and twin cylinder, and robust design with cast iron front axles ensure reliable and durable performance. ROS (reverse operation system) is activated with the start key for quick access to reverse mowing, and to minimise the risk of the function being used unintentionally. There is also a brush guard to protect the front.
- Üks avatud panipaik vasakul ja üks kaanega tagumine panipaik, mis võimaldab ka niitmise ajal selle sisule hõlpsasti ligi pääseda.
- Lihtne kasutamise alustamine mis tahes ilmastikutingimustes ilma õhuklapi vajaduseta. Lihtsalt keera võtit ja sõida.
- Juhiistet saab hõlpsasti reguleerida, libistades seda soovitud asendisse, ilma et peaksite masinalt maha tulema.
- Tänu välisele kütusekorgile ei pea tankimisel mootorikapotti avama.
- Niidukorpuse serva tugevdav terastoru pikendab niidukorpuse kasutusiga.
- Varustatud LED-esituledega, mis tagavad pimedas töötades juhi positsioonilt parema nähtavuse.