Comfort Turbo-Drive Sprinkler
The GARDENA Comfort Turbo-Drive Sprinkler is ideal to water large areas between 75 and 450 m² silently. The stable turbo-drive sprinkler has a range between 10 and 24 m in diameter. The adjustable irrigation sector between 20° and 360° ensures high flexibility for the sprinkler. Thanks to the two-zone watering and the deflector, no puddles build during the even watering process. You can adjust the throw distance with the large knob comfortably between 5 and 12 m. The stable and mobile plastic sled with metal inserts provides a secure stand on uneven ground. The patented turbodrive gear is resistant to dirt. To ensure easy cleaning and maintenance, the integrated filter of the sprinkler can be removed easily. The high quality of the Comfort Turbo-Drive Sprinkler is made in Germany and is covered by GARDENA with five years of warranty.
- GARDENA Saksamaal valmistatud kvaliteettooted tähistavad suurepärast jõudlust, usaldusväärsust ja pidevat innovatsiooni tootearenduse näol.
- Ühtlane veejaotus tänu 2-tsoonilisele kastmisele ja erilise kujuga veejoa suunajale.
- Suure reguleerimisnupu abil saab vihmutusulatust täpselt reguleerida.
- Kastmissektoreid on väga lihtne valida, neid saab määrata vahemikus 20° – 360°.
- Patenteeritud turboajamiga ülekanne on mustusekindel. Mustus koguneb peene sõelaga filtrisse, mida saab lihtsalt puhastada.